Template Variables

Modified on Wed, 31 Jan 2024 at 10:01 AM

For a list of template variables, please refer to the ezyVet HELP tab

The table that follows is not maintained and is scheduled for removal.



GLOBALCan be used in any template
{UserName}The ezyVet user's name (found on user's details page in ezyVet)
{UserEmailAddress}The ezyVet user's email address (found on user's details page in ezyVet)
{UserSendingEmailAddress}The ezyVet user's sending email address (found on user's details page in ezyVet)
{UserSignature}The ezyVet user's signature (found on user's advanced settings page in ezyVet)
{UserSignatureHtml}The ezyVet user's signature in HTML format (found on user's advanced settings page in ezyVet)
{UserSignatureImage}The ezyVet user's signature image (found on user's advanced settings page in ezyVet)
{UserSignatureImageSrc}The ezyVet user's signature image source (found on user's advanced settings page in ezyVet)
{UserRegistrationNumber}The ezyVet user's registration number (found on user's details page in ezyVet)
{UserDEARegistrationNumber}The ezyVet user's DEA registration number (found on user's details page in ezyVet)
{UserQualifications}The ezyVet user's qualification (found on user's details page in ezyVet)
{VetUserName}The associated vet user's name (found on associated vet user's details page in ezyVet)
{VetUserEmailAddress}The associated vet user's email address (found on associated vet user's details page in ezyVet)
{VetUserSendingEmailAddress}The associated vet user's sending email address (found on associated vet user's details page in ezyVet)
{VetUserSignature}The associated vet user's signature (found on associated vet user's advanced settings page in ezyVet)
{VetUserSignatureImage}The associated vet user's signature image (found on associated vet user's advanced settings page in ezyVet)
{VetUserQualifications}The associated vet user's qualifications (found on associated vet user's details page in ezyVet)
{VetUserRegistrationNumber}The associated vet user's registration number (found on associated vet user's details page in ezyVet)
{VetUserDEARegistrationNumber}The case owners DEA Registration number (found on associated vet user's details page in ezyVet)
{TodaysDate}The date at which the template was created or the replacement was performed (e.g. 2018-06-20)
{TodaysDateFull}The full date at which the template was created or the replacement was performed (e.g. 20 June 2018)
{CurrentTime}The time at which the template was created or the replacement was performed (e.g. 09:00AM)
{CurrencySymbol}Currency symbol used by the clinic as specified in the system settings
{TaxName}Tax name used by the clinic as specified in the system settings
{CurrentMonth}The month in which the template was created or the replacement was performed (e.g. January)
{Date+Ndays}Date N days in the future (replace N with number of days)
{Date+Nweeks}Date N weeks in the future (replace N with number of weeks)
{Date+Nmonths}Date N months in the future (replace N with number of months)
{_DD}Today (day of the month - 2 digit format)
{_MM}Today (Month of year - 2 digit format)
{_YY}Today (Year - 4 digit format)
{PAGENO}Page Number (The number of the page)
{nbpg}Total Number of Pages. e.g. (So to print 'Page 1 of 2' you would have 'Page {PAGENO} of {nbpg}' in your template)
{CheckBoxSmall}Prints a small checkbox, useful when completing forms through ezyVet
{CheckBoxLarge}Prints a large checkbox, useful when completing forms through ezyVet
Business / Department
{BusinessName}The name of the business
{BusinessGSTNum}The business GST number (Found under Admin > Settings > System Settings)
{BusinessCompanyNumber}ABN (Australian Business Number) number (Found under Admin > Settings > System Settings)
{BusinessAddress}Complete address of the business (found on the business contact)
{BusinessAddressLine1}Address line 1 (line 1 of the street address) of the business contact
{BusinessAddressLine2}Address line 2 (line 2 of the street address) of the business contact
{BusinessAddressSuburb}Suburb of the business contact
{BusinessAddressCity}City of the business contact
{BusinessAddressRegion}Region of the business contact
{BusinessAddressState}State of the business contact
{BusinessAddressCountry}Country of the business contact
{BusinessPostcode}Postcode of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddress}Full postal address of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressLine1}Postal address line 1 (line 1 of the street address) of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressLine2}Postal address line 2 (line 2 of the street address) of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressSuburb}Postal suburb of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressCity}Postal city of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressRegion}Postal region of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressState}Postal state of the business contact
{BusinessPostalAddressCounty}Postal country of the business contact
{BusinessEmail}General contact email for the business
{BusinessPhone}Business phone number
{BusinessFax}Business fax number
{BusinessLogo}Inserts the business' logo
{EmbeddedBusinessLogo}Inserts the business' logo (use this one for embedding images in email templates)
{BusinessWebSite}Insert your business' website (this is a field on your business contact page)
{BusinessBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the business.

Note: This variable shows the value of the Bank Account Number box of ezyVet's ezyVet system settings .
{DepartmentName}Name Of The Department (if single site, this will be the name of your business. If multi-site, this will be the department logged into)
{DepartmentCompanyNumber}ABN number (Australian Business Number)
{DepartmentAddress}Full business address of department logged in when creating the template (if single site this will be the business address)
{DepartmentAddressLine1}Address line 1 (line 1 of the street address) of the department
{DepartmentAddressLine2}Address line 2 (line 2 of the street address) of the department
{DepartmentAddressSuburb}Suburb of the department
{DepartmentAddressCity}City of the department
{DepartmentAddressRegion}Region of the department
{DepartmentAddressState}State of the department
{DepartmentAddressCountry}Country of the department
{DepartmentPostcode}The postcode of the department logged in when creating the template (if single site this will be the business postcode)
{DepartmentEmail}General contact email for the department
{DepartmentPhone}Phone number of the department
{DepartmentFax}Fax number of the department
{DepartmentWebSite}Website of the department (found on the department contact page)
{DepartmentBankAccount}Shows the bank account number of the department.
{DepartmentPaymentReference}Insert your department payment reference
{DepartmentTaxNumber}Department tax number
{DepartmentLogo}Insert your department's logo
{UserDepartmentPhone}Department phone number of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentFax}Department fax number of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentEmail}Department email of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentName}Department name of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentLogo}Insert the department logo of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentAddress}Department address of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentGSTNum}Department GST number of the user logged in
{UserDepartmentBankAccount}Department bank account of the user logged in
Supplier Contacts
{ContactNumber}Use for suppliers, debtors & vets (if applicable)
{SupplierContactAccountCode}Use for suppliers, foudn on the supplied tab of the contact
{SupplierContactAccountCodeBarcodeSrc}The supplier account code printed as a bar-code
{SupplierContactAccountCodeBarcode}Prints the supplier account code bar-code
{SupplierContactAccountUsername}The supplier account username
{SupplierContactAccountPassword}The supplier account password
{SupplierContactAccountPaymentTerms}The supplier account payment terms
Other Contacts
{ContactCode}Contact Code - Code for the contact
{ContactName}Contact Name - Business name for business' or First name/Last name for primary customer
{ContactSecondaryName}Secondary contact name (First name/Last name)
{ContactNameInformal}Primary contact Name (First name/Last name)
{ContactSecondaryNameInformal}Secondary contact name (First name/Last name)
{ContactTitle}Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr/Mr & Mrs/Mr & Mr/Ms & Ms/Mrs & Mrs/Dr & Dr
{ContactFirst}First name of the primary customer
{ContactSecondaryFirst}First name of the secondary customer
{ContactLast}Last name of the primary customer
{ContactSecondaryLast}Last name of the secondary customer
{ContactDOB}The contacts date of birth (found on the contacts details page)
{ContactBusinessName}Name of the contact's business
{ContactBalance}Customers account balance
{ContactNotes}Customers notes
{ContactPhoneNumber}Gets the landline number first, if that doesn't exist it will get the mobile number
{ContactRemindersLandlines}Landline numbers (Reminders)
{ContactAccountsLandlines}Landline numbers (Accounts)
{ContactGeneralLandlines}Landline numbers (General)
{ContactSalesLandlines}Landline numbers (Sales)
{ContactAllLandlines}Landline numbers
{ContactRemindersMobiles}Mobile numbers (Reminders)
{ContactAccountsMobiles}Mobile numbers (Accounts)
{ContactGeneralMobiles}Mobile numbers (General)
{ContactSalesMobiles}Mobile numbers (Sales)
{ContactAllMobiles}All mobile numbers
{ContactRemindersFaxes}Contact fax numbers (Reminders)
{ContactAccountsFaxes}Contact fax numbers (Accounts)
{ContactGeneralFaxes}Contact fax numbers (General)
{ContactSalesFaxes}Contact fax numbers (Sales)
{ContactAllFaxes}Contact Fax Numbers
{ContactRemindersEmails}Email Address's (Reminders)
{ContactAccountsEmails}Email Address's (Accounts)
{ContactGeneralEmails}Email Address's (General)
{ContactSalesEmails}Email Address's (Sales)
{ContactAllEmails}Email Address's
{ContactAllContactMethods}All Email's, Faxes, Mobile Phones and Landlines.
{ContactPostalAddress}Complete Postal Address
{ContactPhysicalAddress}Complete Physical Address
{ContactPhysicalAddressLine1}Physical Address - Line 1 Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressLine2}Physical Address - Line 2 Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressSuburb}Physical Address - Suburb Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressCity}Physical Address - City Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressRegion}Physical Address - Region Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressState}Physical Address - State Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressCountry}Physical Address - Country Only
{ContactPhysicalAddressPostCode}Physical Address - Post Code Only
{ContactPostalAddressLine1}Postal Address - Line 1 Only
{ContactPostalAddressLine2}Postal Address - Line 2 Only
{ContactPostalAddressSuburb}Postal Address - Suburb Only
{ContactPostalAddressCity}Postal Address - City Only
{ContactPostalAddressRegion}Postal Address - Region Only
{ContactPostalAddressState}Postal Address - State Only
{ContactPostalAddressCountry}Postal Address - Country Only
{ContactPostalAddressPostCode}Postal Address - Post Code Only
{ContactInsuranceCompany}Insurance Company of the contact.
{ContactHearAboutOption}How the contact heard about the clinic/hospital.
{ContactAnimalsList}Lists the contacts animals
{ContactAnimalsAliveList}Lists the contacts animals excluding deceased
{ContactTotalDiscountThisMonth}Contact's total discount for this month
{ContactTotalDiscountLast2Months}Contact's total discount for the last 2 months
{ContactTotalDiscountLast3Months}Contact's total discount for the last 3 months
{ContactTotalDiscountLast4Months}Contact's total discount for the last 4 months
Client ContactsUse the following variables for the Contact's details when referring vets are used.
{ClientContactCode}Client Contact Code - Code for the contact
{ClientContactName}Contact Name - Business name for business' or First name/Last name for individuals (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactNameInformal}Contact Name when referring vets are used (First then Last)
{ClientContactSecondaryNameInformal}Contact Secondary Name when referring vets are used (First then Last)
{ClientContactTitle}Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr (When referring vets are used) etc
{ClientContactTitleFormal}Mr./Mrs./Miss./Ms./Dr. (When referring vets are used) etc. Formal adds a period to the end of the title, like {ContactTitleFormal} but for clients only
{ClientContactFirst}First name of the customer (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactLast}Last name of the customer (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactBalance}Customers Account Balance (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactNotes}Customers Notes (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhoneNumber}Gets the landline number first, if that doesn't exist it will get the mobile number
(When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactRemindersLandlines}Landline Numbers when referring vets are used (Reminders)
{ClientContactAccountsLandlines}Landline Numbers when referring vets are used (Accounts)
{ClientContactGeneralLandlines}Landline Numbers when referring vets are used (General)
{ClientContactSalesLandlines}Landline Numbers when referring vets are used (Sales)
{ClientContactAllLandlines}Landline Numbers (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactRemindersMobiles}Mobile Numbers when referring vets are used (Reminders)
{ClientContactAccountsMobiles}Mobile Numbers when referring vets are used (Accounts)
{ClientContactGeneralMobiles}Mobile Numbers when referring vets are used (General)
{ClientContactSalesMobiles}Mobile Numbers when referring vets are used (Sales)
{ClientContactAllMobiles}Mobile Numbers (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactRemindersFaxes}Contact Fax Numbers when referring vets are used (Reminders)
{ClientContactAccountsFaxes}Contact Fax Numbers when referring vets are used (Accounts)
{ClientContactGeneralFaxes}Contact Fax Numbers when referring vets are used (General)
{ClientContactSalesFaxes}Contact Fax Numbers when referring vets are used (Sales)
{ClientContactAllFaxes}Contact Fax Numbers (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactRemindersEmails}Email Address's when referring vets are used (Reminders)
{ClientContactAccountsEmails}Email Address's when referring vets are used (Accounts)
{ClientContactGeneralEmails}Email Address's when referring vets are used (General)
{ClientContactSalesEmails}Email Address's when referring vets are used (Sales)
{ClientContactAllEmails}Email Address's (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactAllContactMethods}All Email's, Faxes, Mobile Phones and Landlines (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddress}Complete Postal Address (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddress}Complete Physical Address (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressLine1}Physical Address - Line 1 Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressLine2}Physical Address - Line 2 Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressSuburb}Physical Address - Suburb Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressCity}Physical Address - City Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressRegion}Physical Address - Region Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressState}Physical Address - State Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressCountry}Physical Address - Country Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPhysicalAddressPostCode}Physical Address - Post Code Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressLine1}Postal Address - Line 1 Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressLine2}Postal Address - Line 2 Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressSuburb}Postal Address - Suburb Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressCity}Postal Address - City Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressRegion}Postal Address - Region Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressState}Postal Address - State Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressCountry}Postal Address - Country Only (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactPostalAddressPostCode}Postal Address - Post Code Only (When referring vets are used)
{ContactInsuranceCompany}Insurance Company of the contact (When referring vets are used)
{ClientContactHearAboutOption}How the contact heard about the clinic/hospital (When referring vets are used)
Animal's Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVet}Name of the Animal's referring vet (Dr Last name, First name)
{AnimalReferringVetFirstName}The first name of the Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVetLastName}The last name of the Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVetTitle}The preferred title of the Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVetPhoneNumber}The first phone number of the Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVetBusinessEmail}The business email of the Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVetFaxNumber}The fax number of the Referring Vet
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressLine1} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressLine1}Address line 1 of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressLine2} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressLine2}Address line 2 of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressSuburb} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressSuburb}Suburb of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressCity} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressCity}City of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressRegion} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressRegion}Region of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressState} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressState}State of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressCountry} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressCountry}Country of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetPostalAddressPostCode} / {AnimalReferringVetPhysicalAddressPostCode}PostCode of the Referring Vet (Postal/Physical)
Animal's Referring Vet Clinic
{AnimalReferringVetClinicName}Name of the Animal's Referring Vet Clinic (business name)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicAddress}Full address of the Referring Vet Clinic
{AnimalReferringVetClinicBusinessEmail}Business email address of the Referring Vet Clinic
{AnimalReferringVetClinicFaxNumber}Business fax of the Referring Vet Clinic
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine1} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine1}Address line 1 of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressLine2} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressLine2}Address line 2 of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressSuburb} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressSuburb}Suburb of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCity} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCity}City of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressRegion} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressRegion}Region of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressState} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressState}State of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressCountry} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressCountry}Country of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{AnimalReferringVetClinicPostalAddressPostCode} / {AnimalReferringVetClinicPhysicalAddressPostCode}PostCode of the Referring Vet Clinic (Postal/Physical)
{ClientAccessCodeName}Online portal login email
{ClientAccessCode}Online portal panel access code
{PasswordResetLink}Inserts a link to reset account password for the online portal
{AccountVerificationLink}Inserts a link to verify an online portal account
(Up to AppointmentJoinLink can only be used in automated tasks) Back to the top
{AppointmentDate}The Date of the Appointment
{AppointmentDayLong}The calendar day of the appointment (eg. "Tuesday")
{AppointmentDayShort}The calendar day of the appointment (eg. "Tue")
{AppointmentResources}The name of the resource the appointment is in
{AppointmentReason}The Reason for the Appointment that was typed on the appointment booking

(Note: To show the reason, you must make the applicable document from an appointment record.)
{AppointmentStartTime}The Starting Time of the Appointment
{AppointmentEndTime}The Ending Time of the Appointment
{AppointmentType}The Type of the Appointment
{AppointmentDepartment}Department name that appointment is booked for
{AppointmentDepartmentPhone}Department phone that appointment is booked for
{AppointmentDepartmentAddress}Department address that appointment is booked for
{AppointmentDepartmentFax}Department fax that appointment is booked for
{AppointmentDepartmentEmail}Department email that appointment is booked for
{AppointmentDepartmentLogo}Department logo that appointment is booked for
{AppointmentJoinLink}The address of a virtual appointment video call. Participants select the address to join the call.
{AppointmentJoinPassword}The password of a virtual appointment video call. If you have set a password for the call, participants must enter the password to connect.
{AnimalLastVisit}The animal's last visit date and time
{AnimalLastVisitDate}The animal's last visit date
{AnimalLastVisitTime}The animal's last visit time
{AnimalNextAppointment}The animal's next visit date and time
{AnimalNextAppointmentDate}The animal's next visit date
{AnimalNextAppointmentTime}The animal's next visit time
{AnimalNextAppointmentDayLong}The calendar day of the animal's next visit (eg. "Tuesday")
{AnimalNextAppointmentDayShort}The calendar day of the animal's next visit (eg. "Tue")
{AnimalPreferredDoctor}The animal's preferred doctor (found on the animal's details page)
{ReminderDue}Due date of the reminder
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextDay}Lists the animal's reminders due in the next day
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextWeek}Lists the animal's reminders due in the next week
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextMonth}Lists the animal's reminders due in the next month
{AnimalRemindersDueInNextYear}Lists the animal's reminders due in the next year
{AnimalSOCSummary}This is useful for showing an SOC summary like that of the paginated table seen on the S.O.C tab for an animal
{AnimalSOCInFuture}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the future
{AnimalSOCDueInNextDay}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the next day
{AnimalSOCDueInNextWeek}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the next week
{AnimalSOCDueInNextMonth}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the next month
{AnimalSOCDueInNextYear}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the next year
{AnimalSOCDueInFuture}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the future
{AnimalSOCDueTable}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines due in the next 30 days in a tidy table
{AnimalSOCOverdue}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines that are overdue
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastDay}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines overdue in the last day
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastWeek}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines overdue in the last week
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastMonth}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines overdue in the last month
{AnimalSOCOverdueInLastYear}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines overdue in the last year
{AnimalSOCOverDueTable}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines overdue in a tidy table
{AnimalDiagnosticResults}Lists all Diagnostic Results and Result Items in plaintext
{AnimalDiagnosticResultsHTML}Lists all Diagnostic Results and Result Items in HTML
{EventDateTimeListHtml}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines in HTML format that are due with the date and time
{EventDateListHtml}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines in HTML format that are due with the date
{EventDateTimeListPlainText}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines in Plain Text format that are due with the date and time
{EventDateListPlainText}Lists Standard Of Care (SOC) treatments and vaccines in Plain Text format that are due with the date
{AppointmentConsentFormLink}Shows the link of a remote consent form.
{AnimalName}The animal's name
{AnimalCode}The animal's code in ezyVet
{AnimalLast}The animal's last name
{AnimalOwnerTable}A summary of animal and owner details displayed in a compact table. (this table includes contact name, address and phone, as well as patient name, species, breed, age and sex).
{AnimalNumber}The animal number from the animal screen
{AnimalPronoun}he/she (note if sex is not defined then "they" will be used)
{AnimalPossessivePronoun}his/her (note if sex is not defined then "their" will be used)
{AnimalSexShort}The animals sex in M/F/MN/FS format
{AnimalSexFull}Male/Male (Neutered)/Female/Female (Speyed)
{AnimalAgeShort}Age in short notation. (eg. "12y 5m 23d")
{AnimalAgeFull}Age in years, months, and days (eg. "12 years 5 months 23 days")
{AnimalAgeMonths}The number of months. 0 -> 12
{AnimalAgeYears}The Age in Years 0 -> n
{AnimalDOB}The complete date of the animals birth
{AnimalDOBYear}The year of the animals birth (YYYY)
{AnimalDOBMonth}The month of the animals birth (MM)
{AnimalDOBDay}The date of the animals birth (DD)
{AnimalDOD}The date of the animals death
{AnimalTOD}The time of the animals death
{AnimalDateDesexed}The date the animal was desexed
{AnimalSpecies}The name of the species e.g. Canine/Equine/Feline etc
{AnimalBreed}The breed on the animal
{AnimalColour} or {AnimalColor}The colour of the animal
{AnimalWeight}The animal's weight
{AnimalWeightKg}The animal's weight in Kgs
{AnimalWeightLb}The animal's weight in Lbs
{AnimalBSA}Calculates the Animal's Body Surface Area based on weight
{AnimalMicrochip}The animal's Microchip Number
{AnimalRabiesNumber}The animal's Rabies Tag Number (applicable to regions that have Rabies Virus)
{AnimalLastVisit}The date of the animals last visit
{AnimalAttendingVets}The attending Vet of the invoice lines
{AnimalLastVaccinationName}The product name of the animal's last vaccination
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsList}A list of all previous vaccinations
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListDetails}A list of all previous vaccinations including Veterinarian name and registration
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListMonth}A list of all previous vaccinations given in the last month
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListMonthDetails}A list of all previous vaccinations given in the last month including Veterinarian name and registration
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListWeek}A list of all previous vaccinations given in the last week
{AnimalPreviousVaccinationsListWeekDetails}A list of all previous vaccinations given in the last week including Veterinarian name and registration
{AnimalLastVaccinationDate}The date of the animal's last vaccination
{AnimalNextVaccinationDate}The date of the animal's next vaccination
{AnimalNextVaccinationName}The animal's next vaccination product name
{AnimalNextVaccinationsList}Lists the animal's outstanding vaccinations product names
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextDay}Lists the animal's vaccinations due in the next day
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextWeek}Lists the animal's vaccinations due in the next week
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextMonth}Lists the animal's vaccinations due in the next month
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInNextYear}Lists the animal's vaccinations due in the next year
{AnimalVaccinationsDueInFuture}Lists the animal's vaccinations due in the future
{AnimalVaccinationsOverdue}List of the animal's overdue vaccinations
{AnimalNextEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeDate}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalNextEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeName}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalNextEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeGroupName}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalLastEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeDate}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalLastEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeName}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalLastEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeBatch}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalLastEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeBatchExpiry}These are to be used with S.O.C's, and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalLastEventGroupNameEventGroupTypeGroupName}These are to be used with S.O.C's and 'EventGroupName' needs to be replaced with the S.O.C item e.g. XVAX and the EventGroupType is to be replaced with the type e.g. Treatment or Vaccine
{AnimalMasterProblemsHtml}A List of Master Problems, each on a new line and in bold
{AnimalMasterProblems}A List of Master Problems
{AnimalResidence}The residence contact's physical address (if different from owner)
{AnimalImage}The animal's image from their file
{AnimalInsuranceCompanyName}Name of animal's insurance company
{AnimalInsuranceNumber}Animal's insurance number
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextDay}Lists the animal's treatments due in the next day
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextWeek}Lists the animal's treatments due in the next week
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextMonth}Lists the animal's treatments due in the next month
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInNextYear}Lists the animal's treatments due in the next year
{AnimalTreatmentsDueInFuture}Lists the animal's treatments due in the future
{AnimalTreatmentsOverdue}Lists the animal's overdue treatments
{AnimalCare}Shows if the animal is "FRIENDLY" or if "CARE" should be taken (found on the animal's details page)
{AnimalCriticalMasterProblems}List of names of the animal's critical master problems
{AnimalCriticalMasterProblemsHtml}List of names and specifics of the animal's critical master problems
{AnimalInterestedVetClinicContactsList}Lists all the interested contacts on the animal record that are marked as a business
{AnimalInterestedVetContactsList}Lists all the interested contacts on the animal record that are marked as a vet
{AnimalInterestedContactsList}Lists all the interested contacts on the animal record
{AnimalResuscitate}The Animals Recusitation status. Will show Resuscitate, Do Not Resuscitate, Advanced Life Support or Unspecified
{AnimalNotes}Any notes attached to the animal
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsList}List of the patient's current medications
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsListBasic}List of the patient's current medications (basic format)
{AnimalVitalSigns}Lists the animal's most recent set of vital signs
{AnimalWGT}Lists the animal's most recent Weight
{AnimalTemp}Lists the animal's most recent Temperature
{AnimalBP}Lists the animal's most recent BP (Blood Pressure)
{AnimalHR}Lists the animal's most recent H.R (Heart Rate)
{AnimalRR}Lists the animal's most recent R.R (Respiratory Rate)
{AnimalAttitude}Lists the animal's most recent Attitude status
{AnimalBCS}Lists the animal's most recent B.C.S (Body Condition Score)
{AnimalPS}Lists the animal's most recent P.S (Pain Score)
{AnimalDS}Lists the animal's most recent D.S (Dental Score)
{AnimalCRT}Lists the animal's most recent C.R.T (Capillary Refill Time)
{AnimalMM}Lists the animal's most recent M.M (Mucous Membrane)
{AnimalHealthNote}Lists the animal's most recent health status note
{AnimalLeftOvarySize}Lists the animal's most recent Left Ovary Size in mm
{AnimalLeftOvaryStage}Lists the animal's most recent Left Ovary Stage
{AnimalRightOvarySize}Lists the animal's most recent Right Ovary Size in mm
{AnimalRightOvaryStage}Lists the animal's most recent Right Ovary Stage
{AnimalUterineTone}Lists the animal's most recent Uterine Tone
{AnimalCervixTone}Lists the animal's most recent Cervix Tone
{AnimalUterineEdema}Lists the animal's most recent Uterine Edema
{AnimalUterineFluid}Lists the animal's most recent Uterine Fluid
{AnimalUterineCyst}Lists the animal's most recent Uterine Cyst
{AnimalUterineCytology}Lists the animal's most recent Uterine Cytology
{AnimalCervixCytology}Lists the animal's most recent Cervix Cytology
{AnimalPregnant}Lists the animal's most recent pregnancy status
{AnimalPulseQuality}Lists the animal's most recent Pulse Quality
{AnimalRespiratoryEffort}Lists the animal's most recent Respiratory Effort
{ConsultName}Name of the Consult Record e.g. "Check up"
{ConsultNumber}Number of the Consult Record
{ConsultDate}The Date of the Consult Record
{ConsultGeneralDescription}The General Description on the Appointment
{ConsultVet}Name of the case owner (vet)
{ConsultMasterProblemsHtml}List of Master Problems for the case, each on a new line and in bold
{ConsultMasterProblems}List of Master Problems for the case
{ConsultMasterProblemsSpecifics}Lists all of the specifics from the Master Problems
{ConsultMasterProblemsSpecificsHtml}Lists all of the specifics from the Master Problems - HTML table for documents
{ConsultMedicationsListInstructionsOnly}Lists all of the medications prescribed as well as the instructions and quantity
{ConsultMedicationsListDispensedInstructionsOnly}Lists all of the medications prescribed as well as the instructions and quantity (including dispensed)
{ConsultPresentingProblems}List of Presenting Problems for the case
{ConsultUrgency}The urgency status. If this is not specified it will say "Not Specified"
{ConsultReferringVet}Full Name of the Referring Vet
{ConsultReferringVetFirstName}The First Name of the Referring Vet
{ConsultReferringVetLastName}The Last Name of the Referring Vet. (if you want first/last then you will need to use them in conjunction: {ConsultReferringVetFirstName} {ConsultReferringVetLastName}
{ConsultReferringVetTitle}The prefered title of the Vet. Usually "Dr"
{ConsultReferringVetClinicName}Name of the Referring Clinic
{ConsultReferringVetClinicAddress}Address of the Referring Clinic
{ConsultReferringVetPhoneNumber}The first phone number of the referring vet
{ConsultListVaccinations}List of vaccinations in a consult
{ConsultMedicationsList}List all medications for the consult
{ConsultMedicationsListWithDescription}List all medications for the consult and includes a description
{ConsultMedicationsListSimple}List only the medications, quantity and instructions for the consult
{ConsultMedicationsListBasic}List only the medications and their instructions for the consult
{ConsultMedicationsListPrescribed}Table of medications prescribed in a consult (Date/Time, Drug Name, Qty)
{ConsultMedicationsListDispensed}Table of medications dispensed in a consult (Date/Time, Drug Name, Qty, Dispensed)
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsList}List all historical medications for the consult
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListWithDescription}List all historical medications for the consult and includes a description
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListSimple}List only the historical medications, quantity and instructions for the consult
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListBasic}List only the historical medications and their instructions for the consult
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListPrescribed}Table of historical medications prescribed in a consult (Date/Time, Drug Name, Qty)
{ConsultHistoryMedicationsListDispensed}Table of historical medications dispensed in a consult (Date/Time, Drug Name, Qty, Dispensed)
{ConsultAttendingVets}Name of all attending Vets for the particular case
{ConsultTherapeuticsHtml}The list of therapeutic names in the clinical record in HTML format
{ConsultTherapeuticOutcomes}Lists all of the therapeutic outcomes in plaintext for the consult
{ConsultTherapeuticNames}The list of therapeutic names in the clinical record
{ConsultPlan}The list of consult plans in a simple table
{ConsultPlanBasic}Lists all of the notes from the Consult Plans
{ConsultRevisit}Lists all of the notes from the Consult Revisit / Recheck
{ConsultAssessment}The list of consult assessments in a simple table
{ConsultAssessmentText}The list of consult assessments in a simple plaintext
{ConsultAssessmentBasic}Lists all of the notes from the Consult Assessments
{ConsultPastPertinentHistory}The list of consult past pertinent histories in a simple table
{ConsultHistory}The list of consult histories in a simple table. (HTML)
{ConsultHistoryBasic}The list of consult histories in a simple table. (PLAINTEXT)

If you use this variable in a global diagnostic form, set the Is HTML value of the variable to 1.
{ConsultPhysicalExam}The list of consult physical exams a simple table
{ConsultPhysicalExamBasic}Prints out all physical exam notes
{ConsultInterestedVetClinicContactsList}Lists all the interested contacts on the consult record that are marked as a business
{ConsultInterestedVetContactsList}Lists all the interested contacts on the consult record that are marked as a vet
{ConsultInterestedContactsList}Lists all the interested contacts on the animal record
{ConsultDiagnosticResults}Lists all Diagnostic Results and Result Items in source format
{ConsultDiagnosticResultsHTML}Lists all Diagnostic Results and Result Items in an HTML table
{ConsultDiagnosticImagingResults}Lists all of the diagnostic results containing images. (For Documents)
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressLine1}Address line 1 of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressLine2}Address line 2 of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressSuburb}Suburb of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressCity}City of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressRegion}Region of the referring vet. Dependant on whether or not your site is set uses regions. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressState}State of the referring vet. Dependant on whether or not your site is set uses states. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressCountry}Country of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressPostCode}Post code of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic][Physical/Postal]AddressCountry}Country of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic. Ensure you specify whether or not you want to use the Physical or Postal address
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic]BusinessEmail}Business email of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic
{ConsultReferringVet[Clinic]FaxNumber}Fax number of the referring vet. You can also add Clinic for the referring vet clinic
{ClinicalSummaryContent}Used in the body of a clinical summary template to pull the clinical summary content
{DiagnosticVet}The diagnostic vet
{DiagnosticReferenceNumber}The diagnostic test reference number
{DiagnosticReference}The diagnostic reference code/number
{DiagnosticBarcode}The diagnostic reference code/number printed as a barcode
{DiagnosticBarcodeSrc}Prints the diagnostic barcode
{DiagnosticDate}The date of the diagnostic test
{DiagnosticTime}The time of the diagnostic test
{DiagnosticTests}Lists all the diagnostic tests for that diagnostic test request
{DiagnosticSpecifics}The specifics for that diagnostic request
{EstimateName}Name of Estimate
{EstimateContent}The Content of the Estimate (text)
{EstimateDate}The Date of the Estimate
{EstimateNumber}The Estimate Number
{EstimateComments}The Comments on an Estimate - when checkbox "For office use only" is NOT ticked
{EstimateTotalExcGst}Total Price on the estimate, excluding taxes
{EstimateTotalGst}Total Tax amount of the estimate (Tax Component)
{EstimateTotalIncGst}Total amount of the estimate including taxes
{EstimateDeposit}Deposit Amount of the Estimate
{EstimateNonProductCosts}Price of estimate services (non stocked products)
{EstimateNonProductCostsGst}Tax Component of estimate services (non stocked products)
{EstimateBlurb}Blurb on estimate
{EstimateAcceptance}Acceptance Text for the estimate
{EstimateFreight}Freight Amount on estimate (if applicable)
[[EstimateLowTotalExcGst]] → [[EstimateHighTotalExcGst]]The total, excluding Gst, of the estimate range (low to high)
[[EstimateLowTotalIncGst]] →[[EstimateHighTotalIncGst]]The total, including Gst, of the estimate range (low to high)
[[EstimateLowTotalGst]] → [[EstimateHighTotalGst]]The total Gst of the estimate range (low to high)
{QuotationRangeTotalExcGst}The quotation range total excluding Gst
{QuotationRangeTotalIncGst}The quotation range total including Gst
{QuotationRangeTotalGst}The quotation range total Gst
{QuotationRangeTotalExcTax}The quotation range total excluding tax
{QuotationRangeTotalIncTax}The quotation range total including tax
{QuotationRangeTotalTax}The quotation range total tax
VACCINATIONS(Can only be used from product-triggered reminders from vaccinations)
{VaccinationDate}Date the vaccination was given
{VaccinationName}Name of the vaccination given
{VaccinationBoosterDate}Date the booster vaccination is due
{VaccinationNotes}Any notes attached to the vaccination
{PrescriptionNumber}The Prescription Number (Med Labels Only)
{PrescriptionPrescriber}This will display the name of the user who prescribed the prescription
{PrescriptionDEARegistrationNumber}This will display the DEA Registration number of the user who prescribed the prescription
{PrescriptionDate}This will display the date of the prescription
{PrescriptionExternalMedicationsList}To be used on the external medication prescription template and will list all external medications on the prescription document
{MedicationQty}Quantity of Medication Dispensed (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationName}Name of Medication Dispensed (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRemaining}Quantity of Medication Remaining to be Dispensed (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationInstructions}Dispensed Instructions (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationPrescriber}The Name of the Prescribing Vet (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationDate}Medication invoiced date or prescribed date if there is no invoice (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationLastDispenseDate}Medication last dispense date (Med Labels Only) V23.1
{MedicationNumber}A unique medication prescription 'number'. Click here for more information.
{MedicationRVMDirectionOfUse}RVM Direction of use (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMLengthOfTreatmentCourse}RVM Length of treatment course (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMDoseToBeGiven}RVM Dose (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMRouteOfAdministration}RVM Route of administration (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMFrequencyOfTreatments}RVM Treatment frequency (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMNumberOfTreatments}RVM Number of treatments (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMWithholdingPeriodForMilk}RVM Milk withholding period (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMWithholdingPeriodForMeat}RVM Meat withholding period (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMMaximumDispenseQuantity}RVM Maximum dispense quantity (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMMaximumDispenseFrequencyDays}RVM Maximum dispense frequency in days (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRVMActiveIngredient}Pulls active ingredient from RVM prescription information
{MedicationRVMEndDate}End date of prescription
{MedicationRVMRemainingQuantity}Remaining quantity to be dispensed
{MedicationExpiryDate}Shows the expiry date of a medication. ezyVet uses the date format set in its system settings to format the output.
{ProductIdentifier}Shows the value of the Product Identifier box of a medication’s configuration.
{ProductScheduleClass}Shows the value of the Schedule/Class box of a medication’s configuration.
Refill Medications
{PrescriptionExternalMedicationsList}Lists all medications for a particular prescription that are external
(This external status can be set from the medication/prescription popup. I.e: when adding/updating medications. can be marked as external or historical in the top right corner)
{PrescriptionMedicationsList}Lists all medications for a particular prescription
{PrescriptionHistoricalMedicationsList}Lists all medications for a particular prescription that are historical
(This historical status can be set from the medication/prescription popup. Ie: when adding/updating medications. can be marked as external or historical in the top right corner)
{MedicationRefillsLeft}(Med Labels Only)
{MedicationNextRefill}The date of the next refill. (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationRefillExpiry}The date of expiry. (Med Labels Only)
{MedicationTotalRefillQtyLeft}The total quantity of refills remaining for this medication (Med Labels Only)
{ConsultCurrentMedicationsList}Current medications for a consult
{ConsultCurrentMedicationsListBasic}Current medications associated for a consult but simplified
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsList}Current Medications for a patient record
{AnimalCurrentMedicationsListBasic}Current Medications for a patient record, but simplified
Only used in external dispense forms
{PharmacyContactCode}The code of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactName}The name of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactPhysicalAddress}The physical address of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactPostalAddress}The postal address of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactBusinessEmail}The email address of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactFaxNumber}The fax number of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactPhoneNumber}The phone number of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactMobileNumber}The mobile phone number of a pharmacy contact record.
{PharmacyContactNotes}The notes of a pharmacy contact record.
{ProductName}The Product's name
{ProductDescription}The Product's description
{ProductWarning}The Product's warning message
{ProductCostExcGst}The Product's cost (without GST/TAX/VAT)
{ProductPriceExcGst}The Product's sell price (without GST/TAX/VAT)
{ProductCostIncGst}The Product's cost (without GST/TAX/VAT)
{ProductPriceIncGst}The Product's sell price (including GST/TAX/VAT)
{ProductRrp}The Product's recommended retail price
{ProductInstructions}The Product's instructions, such as how to use or apply it
{ProductBarCodeImg}Prints the Product's barcode image
{ProductBarCodeImgSrc}Prints the Product's barcode image source
{CustomerOrderNumber}The Customer Order Number
{CustomerOrderDetails}The Customer Order Details (Line information)
{CustomerOrderShippingAddress}The shipping address, or "PICKUP" if the order was set as pickup
{CustomerOrderSubmitted}Date Submitted
{CustomerOrderStatus}Status of the Order
{CustomerOrderSubtotal}Customer Order Subtotal $
{CustomerOrderSubtotalExcGst}Customer Order Subtotal $. Excluding GST/TAX/VAT
{CustomerOrderSubtotalIncGst}Customer Order Subtotal $. Including GST/TAX/VAT
{CustomerOrderFreight}Customer Order Freight $
{CustomerOrderFreightExcGst}Customer Order Freight $. Excluding GST/TAX/VAT
{CustomerOrderFreightIncGst}Customer Order Freight $. Including GST/TAX/VAT
{CustomerOrderTotal}Customer Order Total $
{CustomerOrderComments}Customer Order Comments
{CustomerOrderTable}Customer Order Table
{CustomerOrderRVMTable}Customer Order RVM Table
{InvoiceNumber}The Invoice Number
{InvoiceDate}The Invoice Date
{InvoiceDueDate}The Invoice Due Date
{InvoiceStatus}The status of the Invoice
{InvoiceFreight}The Invoice Freight $ value
{InvoiceSubTotal}The Invoice Subtotal $ value
{InvoiceSubtotalExcGst}The Invoice Subtotal $ value excluding GST/TAX/VAT
{InvoiceSubtotalExcTax}The Invoice Subtotal $ value excluding GST/TAX/VAT
{InvoiceSubtotalIncGst}The Invoice Subtotal $ value including GST/TAX/VAT
{InvoiceSubtotalIncTax}The Invoice Subtotal $ value including GST/TAX/VAT
{InvoiceTotal}The Invoice Total $ value
{InvoiceDue}The Invoice Total $ value due
{InvoicePaid}The Total $ value paid on the invoice
{InvoiceGst}The Invoice $ value of GST/TAX/VAT
{InvoiceTypeName}Description if the record is an Invoice or a Credit Note
{InvoiceComment}The Invoice Comment box on the invoice (that prints to the invoice)
{InvoiceComments}The Invoice Comments which are on the invoice screen but not part of the invoice itself
{InvoiceCustomerReference}Customer Reference Number (Available for Invoices Only)
{InvoiceOrderNumber}Print the Order Numbers List (text field on Invoice screen)
{InvoiceTaxBreakdown}Breakdown of different taxes applied to the invoice
{InvoiceTax[INSERT TAX CODE]}A total tax amount per tax code
{InvoiceTotalDiscountPercentage}The total percent discount applied to the invoice
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmount}The total amount of discount applied to the invoice
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmountIncGST}The total amount of discount applied to the invoice (including taxes)
{InvoiceTotalDiscountAmountIncTax}The total amount of discount applied to the invoice (including taxes)
{InvoicePaymentMethod}The method of payment for the invoice
{InvoiceSummary}The Invoice Summary
{BatchNumber}Print the batch number of the product invoiced
{BatchExpiry}Print the batch expiry date
{PaymentNumber}The payment number
{PaymentDate}The date of payment
{PaymentAmount}The amount paid
{PaymentAmountRounded}The rounded amount paid
{PaymentAmountTendered}The amount paid in cash
{PaymentChange}The change in cash
{PaymentRounding}The rounding amount
{PaymentMethod}The method of payment
{PaymentOutstandingBalance}The customers outstanding balance
{PaymentDetails}The details of the payment
{PaymentComment}The Payment comments
{PurchaseOrderNumber}The Purchase Order Number
{PurchaseOrderDate}The date of the purchase order
{PurchaseOrderPrintDate}The date in which the the purchase order document was printed
{PurchaseOrderStatus}Purchase Order Status
{PurchaseOrderFreightMethod}The freight method of the purchase order
{PurchaseOrderFreight}The freight cost of the purchase order
{PurchaseOrderSubTotal}The Purchase Order Subtotal $ value
{PurchaseOrderSubtotalExcGst}The Purchase Order Subtotal $ value excluding GST/TAX/VAT
{PurchaseOrderSubtotalIncGst}The Purchase Order Subtotal $ value including GST/TAX/VAT
{PurchaseOrderGst}The purchase order's GST/TAX/VAT
{PurchaseOrderTotal}The Purchase Order Total $ value
{PurchaseOrderComments}The Purchase Order Comments
{ReceiveStockStatus}The status of stock being received
{ReceiveStockTotal}The total value of the stock being received
{ReceiveStockComments}The comments of stock being received
DEBTORSCan only be used for statements and for the debtor letter procedure
{BalanceAtDate}Debtor Balance at Date
{EndDate}Debtor Balance end Date
{StartDate}Debtor Balance start Date
{ThisMonthName}Name of this month (for debtor balance)
{ThisMonthBalance}Debtor Balance this month $ value
{Minus1MonthName}Name of last month (for debtor balance)
{Minus1MonthBalance}Debtor Balance last month $ value
{Minus1MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor Discount Amount last month $ value
{Minus2MonthName}Name of the month 2 months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus2MonthBalance}Debtor Balance 2 months ago $ value
{Minus2MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor Discount Amount 2 months ago $ value
{Minus3MonthName}Name of the month 3 months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus3MonthBalance}Debtor balance 3 months ago $ value
{Minus3MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor Discount Amount 3 months ago $ value
{Minus3PlusMonthName}Name of month 3+ months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus3PlusMonthBalance}Debot balance 3+ months ago ($ value)
{Minus4MonthName}Name of month 4 months ago (for debtor balance)
{Minus4MonthBalance}Debtor Balance 4 months ago $ value
{Minus4MonthDiscountAmount}Debtor Discount Amount 4 months ago $ value
{OverdueBalance}Debtor balance (overdue amount)
{PeriodBalance}Debtor balance (final minus overdue)/td>
{HasOverdueBalance}Prints 'true' if the client has an overdue balance
{FinalBalance}Debtor Balance $ value
{BoardingBookingStartDate}The start date of the boarding appointment
{BoardingBookingEndDate}The end date of the boarding appointment
{BoardingBookingDaysBoarding}The number of days of the boarding appointment
{BoardingBookingStatus}The status of the boarding appointment
{BoardingResourceName}The resource that the boarding appointment is assigned to
{BoardingBookingCommentsPublic}This variable allows the seamless integration of public boarding comments/notes to be printed on documents and consent forms
{BoardingBookingCommentsInternal}This variable allows the seamless integration of internal boarding comments/notes to be printed on documents and consent forms
{BoardingBookingComments}This variable allows the seamless integration of all boarding comments/notes to be printed on documents and consent forms
{CombinedInvoiceStatement}The table containing all invoices
{CombinedInvoiceStartDate}Oldest date between the selected financial records/Start date filter (When using the Reporting)
{CombinedInvoiceEndDate}Greater date between the selected financial records/End date filter (When using the Reporting)
{CombinedInvoiceSubtotal}The sum of the subtotal of each invoice. The sum does not include tax.
{CombinedInvoiceIncTax}The sum of the tax, freight tax, and rounding values for all invoices.
{CombinedInvoiceTotal}The sum of the totals of all invoices. The sum includes tax, freight tax, and rounding values.
{CombinedInvoicePaid}The amount that the client has paid for the total.
{CombinedInvoiceDue}The remaining amount owed by the client.
SIGNATURES(Can be used in any document template using electronic signature capture)
{Signature}Full size signature (uses first signature available)
{SignatureLarge}Large signature (uses first signature available)
{SignatureMedium}Medium signature (uses first signature available)
{SignatureSmall}Small signature (uses first signature available)
{SignatureN}Full size signature N (Replace N with 1, 2 or 3)
{SignatureLargeN}Large signature N (Replace N with 1, 2 or 3)
{SignatureMediumN}Medium signature N (Replace N with 1, 2 or 3)
{SignatureSmallN}Small signature N (Replace N with 1, 2 or 3)
#REMOTE-SIGNATURE-LINK#Use in an email template or an SMS template that a staff member selects when they send a   document to a client from ezyVet. This variable is applicable only to ezyVet's remote signature feature.
ONLINE BOOKING(Can only be used for consent forms used in online booking)
#WEBFORM-TEXT#[Your label text]Prompts the customer to fill out this text field before signing
#WEBFORM-SIGNATURE#[small/medium/large]Inserts signature at this location after customer signs. Signature Capture must be enabled
{OnlineBookingUrl}Inserts the URL to your Online Booking page (Works on all templates)
{OnlineBookingCalendarUrl}Inserts the URL to your Online Booking calendar page (Works on all templates)
Contract variables
{WellnessPlanName}The name of the wellness plan
{WellnessPlanEnrollmentFee}The fee for enrolling the plan (excluding tax)
{WellnessPlanEnrollmentFeeIncTax}The fee for enrolling the plan (including tax)
{WellnessPlanSubscriptionFee}The subscription fee for the plan (excluding tax)
{WellnessPlanSubscriptionFeeIncTax}The subscription fee for the plan (including tax)
{WellnessPlanMonthlyFee}The total monthly fee including subscription + selected optional benefits. (V23.3)
{WellnessPlanMembershipBenefitsTable}A table containing the name of each active benefit for the plan and the quantity of each benefit
{WellnessPlanMembershipStartDate}The date the membership started - in the date format the site is configured in
{WellnessPlanMembershipEndDate}The date the membership ends - in the date format the site is configured in
{WellnessPlanMembershipBilledUpTo}The date the membership is currently billed up to
{WellnessPlanMembershipSaved}The total savings that have been made so far in consumed membership benefit price adjustments
{WellnessPlanMembershipCharged}The fees (enrollment, subscription fees) that have been charged for the membership so far
{WellnessPlanMembershipTotalFees}The total fees for the membership (total enrollment, subscription, optional benefit fees)
{WellnessPlanMembershipRenew}If the membership is set to renew or not (`Yes/No`)
{WellnessPlanMembershipPaymentDayOfMonth}The day of the week that billed fees for the membership will be for - this is based on the date of the membership
Invoice variables - Each variable lists each price adjustment with the savings and the name
{InvoiceSavingsByTypeHtml}Lists savings by it's core types, up to 5 of these(User,Discount,Rounding,Credit,Surcharge) (uses tax if the invoice is set to include it)
{InvoiceSavingsByTypeIncTaxHtml}Same as above, but tax inclusive
{InvoiceSavingsByTypeExcTaxHtml}Same as above, but tax exclusive
{InvoiceSavingsByWellnessPlanHtml}Lists the saving by the wellness plan they are under (uses tax if the invoice is set to include it)
{InvoiceSavingsByWellnessPlanIncTaxHtml}Same as above, but tax inclusive
{InvoiceSavingsByWellnessPlanExcTaxHtml}Same as above, but tax exclusive
{InvoiceSavingsByReasonHtml}Lists wellness by the reason. This includes user discounts, price adjustment rules and billing credits (uses tax if the invoice is set to include it)
{InvoiceSavingsByReasonIncTaxHtml}Same as above, but tax inclusive
{InvoiceSavingsByReasonExcTaxHtml}Same as above, but tax exclusive
{InvoiceSavingsTotalWellnessDiscount}Gets the wellness discount total (uses tax if the invoice is set to include it)
{InvoiceSavingsTotalWellnessDiscountIncTax}Same as above, but tax inclusive
{InvoiceSavingsTotalWellnessDiscountExcTax}Same as above, but tax exclusive
Potential Savings - Intention to be used in conditional statements, e.g.
IF {AnimalHasActiveWellnessPlan} ... 'you saved {InvoiceSavings} on {ActiveWellnessPlan}' OR IF {AnimalDoesNotHaveActiveWellnessPlan} ... 'you could have saved {InvoicePotentialSavingsMyWellnessPlan} on the Wellness Plan'
{AnimalHasActiveWellnessPlan{WELLNESS_PLAN_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACES}}If the animal has the wellness plan provided. To be used in IF conditions
{AnimalDoesNotHaveActiveWellnessPlan{WELLNESS_PLAN_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACES}}If the animal does NOT have the wellness plan provided. To be used in IF conditions
{ActiveWellnessPlan{WELLNESS_PLAN_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACES}}To be used with IF conditions
{Invoice{WELLNESS_PLAN_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACES}PotentialSavings}Shows the potential savings that would have been made if the patient was on this plan (as currency)
{Invoice{WELLNESS_PLAN_NAME_WITHOUT_SPACES}PotentialSavingsHtml}Shows the potential savings that would have been made if the patient was on this plan (table with each row showing a benefit and the savings for that benefit)
{PaymentRemoteLink}Shows the link of the PayJunction page that a client uses to make a remote payment

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